Cybersecurity Training Series:
Tactical Strategies to Thwart Today's Modern Attacks
6-Part Series
Learn tactical strategies to stop today's modern attackers
Available On-Demand
This 6-part training series that will walk you through examples of today’s modern attacks and provide actionable tactical and strategic steps to make sure your organization would be prepared for similar attacks.
Each training session will dive into a topic from the attackers’ perspective and then dissect the best practices to defend against these attacks. Covering topics from ransomware to K2K, from high velocity and violent attacks, to slow and go attacks. Along the way you will evolve the cybersecurity skills of you and your team.
Training Outline
Session I: Circumventing Firewalls, VPNs, and Portals “Oh My!”
Session II: Breaching Life Support Systems
Session III: Advanced Social Compromises
Session IV: Low and Slow Attacks
Session V: K2K Attacks
Session VI: Overcoming physical and network attacks
Fill out the form to get immediate access to all six training sessions.